“The Power of Gratitude”
Check out my interview in the October 2018 issue of “Pain-Free Living” magazine on the power of using GRATITUDE to help us to live happy and fulfilling lives despite struggling with chronic conditions. Proud to have been able to contribute…
The Power of Setting Intentions for Chronic Pain Thrivers!
Hey there, gang! It’s been awhile! As my Facebook group Attitude of Gratitude with Chronic Pain (AoG) continues to grow (we’re at almost 4,000 chronic pain thrivers now!) and I continue writing the book, I’ve had less and less time to…
putting rest at the top of your ‘to-do’ list
Today was spent in my pajamas. Why? BECAUSE I NEEDED IT! I needed the rest! Why are we so apt to feel guilty about a day of rest? We pride ourselves on how much is on our to-do list and…
How I Get Through “One More Day”
Dayum! Drop the mic! I read this poem on Instagram this morning and it was one of those that just knocked my socks off. I immediately Googled to find out the poet and his (yes…HIS!) name is Reggie Nulan and…